Kids for sale? Yes, but it’s not what you think. Welcome to the Episode 41 page. I begin this episode by announcing that kids are for sale in my neighborhood. If you understand that the word “kid” is an informal way of saying “child,” you’ll be relieved to learn that “kid” is also the term for a baby goat. Kid is just one of the special names we have for farm animals. The main focus in this episode, though, is to master the general names for farm animals. This will grow in importance as we advance through this unit on animals.

Watch Episode 41
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View by Segment
You can view this episode in small segments. Click here to see Segment One.
Enjoy Segment 2 by clicking here.
Language Objectives
Identify common farm animals by their English names. Recall that farm animals have specific names according to their gender and age. Recognize and pronouncethe short i sound in CVC English words.
Academic Content Objectives
Agriculture: Recall the names of common farm Animals. Identify animal names by gender and age, using more specific names.
Learning Activities
Viewers were quizzed on their knowledge of the names of these common farm animals:
Now quiz yourself. Name the animals pictured below. An answer key will be further down the page so you can check your accuracy.

Now look below to find the answers to the quiz.

Special Names
Special Farm Animal Names
Later in Episode 41, we shared special names of farm animals, according to their gender and age. These are not to master unless you want to ramp up your animal knowledge even higher.

Words That Rhyme With Pig
Basic Phonics
We use the word PIG to illustrate the short i sound. We used the slides below to build a word family that rhymes with PIG.

Videos used in Episode 41
We used two video clips in this episode. One helped us review the names of farm animals by singing “Old McDonald Had a Farm.”
Click here to see that clip from Flick Box Productions and to sing along.
We also featured a video clip about a very special farm in Jackson County, Oregon called Sanctuary One. Join us as we hear from Brooke Mueller, Sanctuary One’s Education director by clicking here. Learn more about Sanctuary One by viewing this episode of Adventures in Education. also has the video of Sanctuary One. Click here to watch or download the video.
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To watch Episode 42, Click Here