Welcome to the Episode 101 page of Ramping Up your English. You can watch Episode 101 on archive.org.

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Episode 101 Summary
This is another episode that bends completely to content. We continue to build our content knowledge with the episode Al Sur – to the south in Spanish. Our video follows Spanish explorers and colonizers south into South America. The focus is on the Guarani people and how the activities of Portuguese slave traders, Spanish governors, and Jesuit missionaries all affected the ways of life of the widespread Guarani people and their culture.
Watching Episode 101
Episode 101 is available for watching and for download at archive.org. Click here to watch Episode 101 of Ramping Up your English.
Language Objectives
This episode is mainly about applying previous learning with Listening Comprehension. After watching the video, can you briefly summarize the historical information that’s presented in the video? Remember, you can always watch the video more than once if you’re unsure. The important thing is to sketch out what the video communicates.
Define vocabulary used in the video: South America, Expedition, Slavery, Spanish, Portuguese, New Laws, Colonists (Colonizers), Missionaries, Missions, Religion, Invasion, Human Rights, Rebellion, Military Force, Indigenous, Treaty.
Academic Content Objectives
Identify proponents of indigenous rights during the early colonization of South America.
List ways the indigenous people were exploited by Spanish and Portuguese interlopers.
Explain the role of slavery in the economy of early European colonialism.
Identify the causes of population decline in Guarani and other communities in South America resulting from contact with Europeans.
Explain the cause/effect relationship between actions by Europeans and the effects they had on Native American communities in South America.
Identify the motivations of explorers and colonists for involvement in South America.
List at least two features of the New Laws imposed by King Carlos of Spain.
Explain why these New Laws were unsuccessful in protecting the indigenous people.
Extrapolate how Euro/Indigenous relations may have changed if the New Laws had been obeyed.
Identify the motivation of the Jesuit missionaries in working with the Native Americans.
Characterize the nature of the relationship between Jesuit missionaries and the Guarani people – both christianized and non christianized.
Explain why many Guarani became supporters of the Jesuit missions.
Explain the cause/effect relationship between actions of the Jesuit missionaries (backed by the Spanish king) and the Mission Guarani in repelling the slave raiders.
Explain how the Treaty between Spain and Portugal proved to be a disaster for the Guarani people.
Videos Used in Episode 101
Most of Episode 101 consisted of a single video about Spanish activity in South America. Click here to see that video.
Links to related Videos
Much of the content about South America centered on the Guarani people in today’s country of Paraguay. Click here for a video from Masaman about Paraguay and the Guarani.
For a brief history of the Inca Empire watch The Inca Empire Explained from Captivating History on You Tube. Click here to watch the informative video.
Episode 102
Click here to visit the Episode 102 page.