Flint Napping has been practices for thousands of years. Also known as lithic reduction, flint napping is the making of spear points and arrowheads out of various rock material. “Paleo Joe” Moore tells viewers about making knife blades, arrowheads, and ceremonial points during the Mothers Day Pow Wow in Grants Pass.

We also see an actual demonstration by Billy Berger in Eastern Oregon’s Glass Buttes. Curator Pat McMillan of the Favell Museum comments on the ingenuity and cleverness of the Native Americans as they developed tools to flourish in their environment.
Watching Episode 95
Watch Episode 95 in its entirety as seen on RVTV Voices. Click here to watch Ramping Up your English Episode 95 as free video on demand at archive.org. You can watch all episodes of Ramping Up your English on archive.org. This episode is no longer available on You Tube.
Language Objectives
This episode is all about developing Listening Comprehension skills from previous instruction – practicing what viewers have learned thus far. This is the 20th episode in the theme of Native Americans, so viewers familiar with this content theme have an advantage of context from which to comprehend the content of the videos featured in this episode.
Use context clues to summarize the information in the featured videos.
Content Objectives
List some of the tools used in flint napping – including the raw materials from which the tools are made. Explain how different languages and ways of living can lead to conflict between different groups. List ways that language barriers can be overcome by neighboring tribes.
Publications used in Episode 95
We shared some content from National Geographic Magazine in their issue focussed on the year 1491. Our review gave viewers a small sample of how this publication featured American life before the arrival of Europeans. This issue was leading up to the 500th anniversary of Europe’s Discovery of the Americas via the voyage of Christopher Columbus.
Videos used in Episode 95
While my own videography is used in my interview with Paleo Joe Moore, the Billy Berger segment is Billy’s work. Here’s a link to his video from You Tube: https://youtu.be/TV4S96odPbE.
We explored the role of language in relations between different Native American groups with Takelma Storyteller Thomas Doty. His comments were from an interview on a bonus episode of Ramping Up your English in 2019. Click here to see that video. To see this video on archive.org, click here.
Next Episode
Episode 96 features the watershed moment when Christopher Columbus sails to America – and the interaction between Native Americans and Europeans begins. Click here to go to the Episode 96 page.