In this Episode we’re comparing Perfect Verb Tenses, using facts from the Video we saw in the previous episode. Welcome to Episode 92 of Ramping Up your English.

Episode Summary
Welcome to Episode 92 of Ramping Up your English. In this episode, we roll up our sleeves to do some detailed work of Verb Tenses. Using facts from our Native American content, we explore the subtle differences between the Past Perfect Verb tense and the Past Perfect Progressive. The difference is often subtle, so you really have to know just what message you want to put out. We compare using sentence from the video clips we’ve seen.
This is also the episode where I give a tour of my website. Well, you’re already here, but if you need a refresher in navigating, the tour may help.
Watching Episode 92
While we normally post episodes of Ramping Up your English on, we’re experiencing some problems. Hence, the link that follows will take you to my You Tube Channel – Ramp Up your English. Click here to see Episode 92 on You Tube.
Viewing is Segments
Segment viewing is not available at this time. I may be discontinuing this feature, as I find it’s seldom used by viewers. If you do view by shorter segments, please drop me a line at [email protected]. If I know you rely on this, that may be my incentive to keep doing it.
Language Objectives
Relate past events in relation to other past events using the Past Perfect verb tense.
Relate Past Events in relation to ongoing past events using the Past Perfect Progressive Verb Tense.
Academic Content Objectives
Explain how America was populated over 14 thousand years ago.
Describe the changing climate conditions that allowed the peopling of America and the interruption of migration to America during pre-historic times.
List the main food sources believed to be using by paleo-Americans.
Describe how changes to megafauna resulted in a change to food sources and the technology for securing those sources of food.
Explain how changes in climate affected the settlement patterns of early Americans.
Describe the various settlement and trade patterns on early Americans, including the development of cities.
Identify crops that resulted in urban settlements and the results of such on population density in Mississippian Culture cities.
Links for this episode
At the end of Episode 92, we featured Taste of Dream by Carla Harvey. Here’s a link to that artistic work on You Tube. Click here to see it.
Have you ever struggled with the way some English words are not pronounced the way they are written? Here’s a link to a short video featuring 10 English words and the way they are actually pronounced by English speakers. Click here to see the video on You Tube. There may be ads.
Learning Materials

In summary, each tense has its strength and can convey what you want to say with accuracy when you choose the tense that does that.
Next Episode
To watch Episode 93, click here to go to the Episode 93 page.